March 23, 2009

Daylight Saving Time never saved jack

How do I get adjusted to Daylight Saving Time? I still want to wake up at 6 a.m. standard time; I just can't get with the program. How can I reset my body clock? I've some ideas:
  1. Skip sleep one night so that I'll be really tired and go to bed extra early, and then maybe I'll be able to wake up an hour earlier the next day and the day after.
  2. Take a three-day weekend and stretch it out into two long days of being awake for a long time and asleep for a long time.
  3. Take a whole week and sleep on the human body's natural sleep cycle of about 28 hours. That means sleeping about five times over six days. Get back on schedule when I get back on sync with the solar day.
  4. Take sleeping pills to go to bed earlier.
  5. Lobby the Georgia General Assembly to consider an emergency bill called "Eli's Law" that will immediately discontinue DST in this state.
I'm frustrated because back in 2007 I was able to wake up easily enough at 6 a.m. DST. I was all prepared to keep my body on the same schedule when the time changed, to get up at 5 a.m. standard time. But then I got bronchitis and lost a lot of energy and a lot of sleep, so I started sleeping later.

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