April 16, 2009

The 'at' sign on Twitter is stupid anywhere else

If you aren't on Twitter, there is no reason to use the "@" character when responding to people on comments on webpages. See, before there was Twitter, and before there was the Internet, if you were addressing a written passage to someone named Fred, you would type:
Fred, I am responding to ...

You just type the person's name and then a comma. If you go back in time before Twitter, no one would type:
@Fred: ...

See, the "@" symbol has a function in Twitter's programming, to direct the message to the account called "Fred." Anywhere else it looks stupid.


Holly M. said...

@eli, you are so right. ;)

Tori said...

I'm pretty sure I've started doing this sometimes since I've started using Twitter! I'm a sinner!

CeciCooper said...

Haha, I noticed some people doing this in an irc chat room the other day. Of course, the chat room was intended to go along with a ustream video playing next to it, which was mostly promoted on Twitter.

But good point!

Anonymous said...

It may be stupid but it is, on some blogs, pretty much a convention. Anyway, point well taken.

Jaems said...

So true.... I did this once, before I realized it what it was really for, and how pointless it is outside of that context.