April 12, 2009

Senior citizen entitlement

We've heard too much about how younger people supposedly have a sense of entitlement and expect rewards without hard work. Supposedly the older generation knows the value of hard work and gratitude. However, there are members of the older generation who demand their senior citizen discounts at fast food restaurants and act offended when a cashier charges their coffee at regular price. Who has the sense of entitlement now, buddy?

I'm not sure why we even have senior citizen discounts. Is their loyalty to a restaurant worth more than mine? Is it because old people need a break? The senior citizens eating breakfast at my regular fast-food joint would likely rant against socialism and progressive taxes and government-funded healthcare, but they'll do it while drinking their discounted coffee. Sure, some older people are on modest, fixed incomes, but others have amassed a lifetime of wealth and could buy the whole restaurant.

1 comment:

Holly M. said...

I have, in the past, while checking out in the "self check-out" line on a Wednesday, clicked that I am a senior citizen just for the discount. :/ Will I go to hell? Do I need a lawyer?